Services & Co-Productions

Services, co-productions, cash rebates
& funding assistance

We are open to hearing fresh ideas, meeting new people, and exploring different ways of bringing compelling stories to the screens, either through co-production or as a service provider.

Our goal is to make every producer and film crew to feel like home wherever the shooting takes place, either in Poland or the most distant part of the world.

We work across all genres in production (documentaries, entertainment, feature films, TV series).

Filming in Poland

By taking full advantage of local financing, along with the competitive cash rebate
of 30% on Polish production expenses, we are a vital production partner.

Main support for producing in Poland comes from:

  • Polish Film Institute production support (incl. for Minority Co-Productions)
  • 30% Cash Rebates (for services & co-productions of documentary films, fiction films, documentary series & fiction series)
  • Regional Film Commissions

We are experienced in working with all of them and will help you get your Polish expenses
financed in Poland.

FIXER services we provide:

and location
budget preparation
& scheduling
shooting permits
& location management
crew recruitment
equipment rentals
visa arrangement
insurance advise
and others

Selected projects:

CNN International CNN International „CNN Freedom Project” see details
TVN Grupa Discovery TVN Grupa Discovery „Efekt Domina” see details
Kulczyk Foundation Kulczyk Foundation see details